Dakota Eagle, of Bismarck, ND, has received a $5,000 grant from Native Americans in Philanthropy to make a short film about the youth activists involved in the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. Dakota is an enrolled member of the Three Affiliated Tribes and a graduate of Standing Rock High School. She is currently studying education at United Tribes Technical College.

“The goal is to not even give them a voice, because they give themselves a voice by standing up, but to use that as a tool for their peers, a tool for their parents, a tool for educators—anybody who works with youth, to say, well, maybe there’s something I can do to give it a little bit of a push,” Eagle said.

Dakota applied for the grant with the help of Cheryl Kary, the director of the Sacred Pipe Resource Center, a local nonprofit that assists Native Americans and their families.

“I think it’s wonderful what’s she’s doing, because she is a teacher at heart. The kids are always at the center of what she does,” Kary said. “She’s all about, ‘How do we help the kids?’”

Congratulations, Dakota! We can’t wait to see your film. 🙂

Read the full story at The Bismarck Tribune.